Monday, April 29, 2013

Dances of Vice

Shot some film at the Dance of Vice Secret Garden Spring Costume Ball, twirling around the dancers with the Bolex.  A very charming event.  A gathering of splendid people full of celebratory and exuberant spirit, with outfits to match.  Something quite uplifting about feeling the energy of a group of people who are all happy to see one another and welcoming to every new person dressed in fanciful, vintage clothes.  A few people asked if the 16mm camera was a real, working camera, or if it was just some vintage camera prop for the occasion (although, if I'd really wanted to bring a vintage camera as a prop, I think my old Bell & Howell D70 would have had a more appropriate look to it).

* * *

A visit to the Thomas Edison National Historical Park the other day, in anticipation of shooting some film there for the project.  A place full of wondrous things to see.  Here's just a small sampling...

"That's all."

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mechanical Music Extravaganza

Some shooting for "78rpm" this past weekend at the Mechanical Music Extravaganza in Wayne NJ.  An impressive array of phonographs, gramophones, cylinders, vintage radios, records, horns, needle tins, and everything else.

More than a few people were interested in the 16mm camera I was using. "Can you still get the film for it?" was a common question.  And an interesting question, in the context of being surrounded by 100 year old audio recordings and 100 year old players; all still producing music today in the same way it was 100 years ago.

Got to meet some experts and enthusiasts in early phonographic equipment and recorded music.  And when I was done shooting it was time to buy some 78s -- 1920s hot jazz and a smattering of opera.  The 78 collector in me just couldn't resist!

"That's all."